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Odell Church News - October 2014



Dear Friends,


I never imagined how difficult it would be to actually get to grips with downsizing.  Simple I thought, just chuck out all the things you no longer want or need, and what a great opportunity to de-clutter the study and dump all those books and files I haven’t looked at in the last 8 years.  But oh dear! - how easy it is to kid ourselves.


The trouble is, that it’s not just junk that we’re off-loading, it’s all kinds of stuff (and in my case lots of paper) that have been part and parcel of our life’s journey … all those hours of study and reading during training for ordination, presents given to us in the past to mark special occasions, old family furniture that’s been with us since childhood, great grandpa’s battered Meccano, 1950’s school books … and where do you start with the photographs? - snapshots of moments in time, holidays, weddings, family parties evoking so many memories. Where oh where can we put them all? We know we won’t have room for them all, but it’s so hard letting go - in fact it’s a letting go of part of ourselves in which we experience a sense of bereavement.


Once a rich young man came to Jesus, and falling on his knees before him asked “Good teacher … what must I do to inherit eternal life?” In his gospel Mark tells us that Jesus looked at this young man and loved him,* but discerned there was one thing amiss in his life. His possessions meant so much to him, he was not able to let go of any of them. Challenged to sell it all, give the money to the poor and begin a new life following Jesus, his face fell, and he went away sad. We are not told whether he ever came back.


The story is a reminder to us to hold our possessions lightly, in thankfulness and appreciation for all we enjoy, but not to let them control our lives. Indeed, we are to be generous, giving to others in recognition of the abundance we ourselves have received, and yes, sometimes we shall find it painful to let go.  However, in a warning against greed, Jesus taught that a person’s life is not made up of the things he owns.**  So in the continuing spirit of harvest thanksgiving, let us focus on the things that really matter, count our blessings, and choose to live in a way that blesses others.


*  Mark 10 v.21

** Luke 12 v.15 (Today’s English Version)



Prayer Group

What is the Prayer Group?  It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support. 


Who do we pray for?  Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us. 


What do we pray about?  Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness.  You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam.  Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.


How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you?  You can telephone Christine (720234), drop a note through the Rectory door or send an e-mail to



Meeting Point


1st 10.30am at Jill’s, Rectory Farm, Odell.

15th 10.30am at Catherine’s, Manor Cottage, High St., Harrold

29th 10.30am at Jane Smith’s, Horsefair Lane.


12th 10.30am at Jane Eshelby’s, Newton House, Newton Bromswold, Rushden.


All Saints’ Church Charitable Giving for the months of September and October is to Mercy Ships,

an American Christian charity providing free operations, sending teams of dentists to local hospitals, talks for local villages about aids, teaching projects and projects to help women help themselves, building new schools/orphanages, and follow-up nursing for

ex-patients.  All who work on the ships contribute financially.

See the notice board in the church for more information on the amazing work done by this charity.


 Churches Together in Harrold and Carlton with Odell


Fusion – Messy Church at HOCP


On Monday 21st July, Fusion was held at Harrold and Odell Country Park. Families got together and had lots of fun. We played games and had a scrummy picnic. Richard the Ranger showed us how to weave willow, but his came out much better than ours. Richard took us through the woods and long grass just to find some strawberries, but it was all worth it. Even though we were covered in stings and bites, we managed to find a rare orchid and a little wasp pouch. Overall, it was a really worthwhile and fun evening.

Elizabeth Hulatt- Richardson



The next sessions are:

Monday 20th October  ‘Remembering’

Monday 17th November ‘Messy Christingle’

at Harrold United Reformed Church from 3.45 to 6.00pm.

All families welcome.




Five Alive Holiday Club

This fun filled week was called ‘Five Alive Holiday club’. This meant that over the five days we used our five senses. We used touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. On Monday we did rope throwing, on Tuesday we did flower posies, on Wednesday we made rice crispy cakes and shortbread stacks, on Thursday we did parachute and on Friday we did craft and made kaleidoscopes.   Annabel Glennie


I really enjoyed holiday club because we had lots of fun activities and I also really enjoyed ‘sense and snacks’ and I liked the way that they did an activity to do with food while we were drinking and eating. And the best thing about holiday club was the Watt Family drama and the way that they always left the end of the scene on a cliffhanger.  Sean Earl


Holiday club is really adventurous, always with fun activities to do. Jacob Ampaw-Farr


Seniors’ Holiday Club

Fifty two people took part in events during our first ‘Senior Holiday Club’ in August. The most popular events were the visit to Stoke Bruerne, lunch at the United Reformed Church and the outing to Jordan’s Mill. The ‘singalong’ to old time songs was also greatly enjoyed and raised £102 for the charity ‘Vision Africa.’ Do let us know if you have ideas for activities to include in next year’s event, or if you would be interested in helping with the organisation.

Phone 368564 or Email


       St Mary’s Church, Carlton, Christmas Bazaar

Carlton Village Hall, Saturday 22nd November


Grand Draw at 12.30

Entry £1 adults, children free

Book Group

Our next book is ‘Me Before You,’ by Jojo Moyes. The story brings to life two people who have little in common: Louise, an ordinary girl with little experience of life beyond her village; and Will, larger than life, used to extreme sports and worldwide travel. Now wheelchair bound after an accident, he doesn’t want to live the way he is. This is a gripping novel that keeps you guessing the outcome until the very end.

The discussion on this book will be on Monday 13th October at 7.30pm at Jean Saul’s, 1 Carlton Road, Harrold.

Following that, the next book is ‘The five people you meet in heaven,’ by Mitch Albom. Everyone has an idea of heaven and this story about 84 year old Eddie, who dies in a tragic accident, tells of his experience and the important concept of each person being valued and loved. A moving and thought provoking book.

The discussion will be on a Monday in late November at Teresa Riley’s, Spring Close Farm, Turvey Road, Carlton.

A copy of both these books is available to borrow from the Church House Office.



Churches Together in Harrold and Carlton (with Odell) supporting registered charity - Drop Inn Ministries (Isle of Man)




Now is the time of year when we think of the poorest children in Belarus and Ukraine, and I am hoping that you will be as generous this year as in the past twelve years.


These are suggestions of what should go into your gift Christmas paper wrapped shoe box:


· To Write: pen, pencil, copy book, colouring pens/pencils, sharpener, eraser.

· To Wash: Toothbrush, toothpaste, wrapped soap, facecloth, comb.

· To Wear: nothing except hat, scarf, gloves.

· Wow: a treat – sunglasses, small games, sweets (in date until May 2015), small musical instrument, toys, dolls, cars, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo etc.

If possible stick £2 inside the lid to help with transport costs.


Please DO NOT include food, apart from sweets (no chocs), medicine, war toys, clothing items, any liquids or breakables, sharp items or books.

Please DO NOT seal lid with tape as we and Customs need to check it.


I will be collecting boxes from the schools in October, so please deliver your completed box, after putting your gift’s suggested age and child’s sex secured under two elastic bands over the lid, either through your child/pupil to school or to The Retreat, Harrold, or deliver to me at 32 Rectory Close, Carlton.   Nothing included should be wrapped. For Odell please deliver to Heydown, 87 High St. Odell (tel. 720422)


Donations of gifts to add to boxes or donated money also welcome – a very little of your time and money is required to make a HUGE difference to a child in severe poverty. If you can help with the checking process please contact me – many hands make light work. This will be the last year we will undertake the shoe box appeal, unless I can have a volunteer/volunteers to take this on.


Thank you.  Sue Brown.  Co-ordinator (01234 720442)


All Saints’ Flower Rota


5th All help to clear

12th Jane Eshelby

19th Kathy Dunn



Happy Birthday to

Lottie Robinson on 18th October,

And to anyone else with a birthday in October!




27th 10am Decorate Church for Harvest.

7pm Harvest Supper, Village Hall.

28th 10.30am Harvest Festival, All Saints’ Church.

28th 7pm Quiz and Chilli Night at The Bell.

29th 10am HOCP Conservation Tasks Day.


1st 10.30am Meeting Point at Jill’s, Rectory Farm.

2nd 1pm Wheels in Motion launch party, Riseley Village Hall.

9th 10.30am Health Walk, HOCP.

11th Dr. Busker, Village Hall.

13th 7.30pm Book Group discussion, 1 Carlton Rd., Harrold.

14th 7.30pm W.I., Odell Village Hall.

15th 10.30am Meeting Point at Catherine’s, Manor Cottage, High St., Harrold.

18th 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell.

20th 3.45pm Fusion at Harrold URC.

23rd 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.

27th 10am Conservation Tasks HOCP.

29th 10.30am Meeting Point at Jane Smith’s, Horsefair Lane.


2nd 10.30am Churches Together service in Odell to celebrate All Saints’ Day.


Magazine Deadline

Please send all entries for the November 2014 magazine to Tricia Hudson (ed at  or Catherine Corkery by October 12th at the latest.  May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted.  Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.



Last revised: October 05, 2014.