CHURCH NEWS - November 2006
November 2006
Dear Friends,
A number of people are meeting at the Rectory through the autumn to do the Alpha course, and one of the topics we’re looking at is prayer. When the question is asked "What is prayer?" – everyone has their favourite definition. "Talking to God" is a popular answer, and while that is certainly true, there is so much more to prayer than that.
Prayer is a two-way communication; so there is a listening to God as well as a talking to him – but before we even get to the words (which are not always necessary) prayer begins in the heart. It is a reaching out, a deliberate turning towards God. My favourite definition comes from a classic little book on prayer, first published in 1948 and very probably out of print now. Written by O. Hallesby (no clue as to his first name, but if anyone knows please let me know!) and it says this –
"To pray is to let Jesus come into our hearts."
Simple isn’t it – yet deeply profound.
So often we find it hard to pray, and there could be several reasons for this. We may (mistakenly) think that we have to pray in a certain way, use special holy words, or be in a special place – but the most sincere prayers are usually the simple ones, direct from the heart, that can be prayed at any time, and anywhere. We may (mistakenly again) think we are not ‘good enough’ to pray – but it’s not about being good enough, its about reaching out to our heavenly Father who loves us and longs for us to return to him, just as the father in the story of the prodigal son longed for his ‘lost’ son to return home. It’s Jesus’ death on the cross that opens up the way for us, making this direct access to the
Father possible – and it’s Jesus who helps us when we pray.
O. Hallesby again …
"To pray is to open the door – give Jesus access to our needs and permit him to exercise his power in dealing with them … He knows our frame, he remembers we are dust – all we have to do is open the door. It is a question of will – will we give Jesus access to our needs?"
There are of course those particular times of need or difficulty when we really value the prayers of other people too. And there will be times when we also pray for the needs of others, near or far. This type of
intercessory prayer is about inviting Jesus into the situation, turning it over to him and trusting him to act. Sometimes a change in the situation comes quickly, other times it’s a bit like planting bulbs, and nothing seems to happen for a while, but later it becomes apparent that God has been at work. The outcome of our prayers is always in God’s hands, it is our part to turn to him, to open the door of our heart and invite him in.
The All Saint’s Prayer Chain is now becoming the Prayer Group – do read the short article below and get in touch if you would like prayer for yourself or a loved one.
With love and prayers, Christine
The Prayer Group
What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.
Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.
What will you pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.
How can I let you know if I would like you to pray for me? You can either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door, or complete a card (anonymously if you wish) and place it in a box kept near the church door. Prayer requests will be collected from the box each Sunday morning after the 10.00 am service.
Alpha Course
Interested in learning more about Christianity?
Want to brush up on basics?
The Alpha course may be just the thing to help you. It is now run in churches all over the world and many have found it led to a life-changing experience. Each evening consists of a meal, a talk and
discussion. Locally arranged by Churches Together in Harrold and Carlton this is a 10-week course, which started in September. To find out more contact Rev'd Jean Burrows (720262).
Christmas Hamper Coffee Morning
In support of Christian Family Care
Friday 8th December
Hobbs Green Farm
Church Lane, Odell
From 10.30am to noon.
Admission Free
Shoe Box Appeal
Very many thanks to all of you who brought your filled boxes to church or to the Rectory - we collected 35 in all. These were taken over to Emmaus where teams of volunteers, including two from Odell, checked all the contents for customs and shrink-wrapped them ready for transportation. In total, over 800 boxes were received from the villages of Harrold, Carton & Odell - a truly magnificent response which will bring much comfort and joy to needy children in Belarus.
All Saints’ Amblers
Many thanks to Martin and Helen for organising an interesting walk in the Nene valley - and vetting the beer at the Dukes Arms, Woodford - where we enjoyed a hearty pub lunch around a log fire. Roberta and Nick have volunteered to arrange the next walk (between 4-5 miles) on Saturday 18th November. Meet outside the Bell at 9.45am. Transport available to the starting point if required … dogs on leads and children welcome.
Service of Prayer & Reflection
On the first Sunday of every month, at 6.30pm, an informal evening service will be held, initially for the next six months. This is partly in response to those who would like more time for quiet reflection, and partly in response to another request for opportunity to pray together for the ongoing ministry of All Saints’ and the needs of others. During the colder months the service will be held at the Rectory.
Our Giving in
will be shared between the British Legion Poppy Appeal and the Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society.
Many still depend on these two organisations for all kinds of help including medical care and your generous giving enables continuous support for those damaged in body, mind and spirit by the ravages of war.
Meeting Point in November
Wed 8th 10.30am at Eileen Shakespeare’s, Corner House,
Wymington Park, Rushden.
Wed 22nd 10.30am at Sarah Bennett’s, 9 Horsefair Lane, Odell.
Wed 6th 11.30am Bring and Share lunch at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage,
The Bury, Pavenham.
Fairtrade Café
Saturday 4th November 10.00 am-12 noon -
FAIRTRADE CAFE - with delicious drinks and eats, lots of Christmas goodies and gifts for sale.
Village Hall; £1.50 entrance to include coffee, tea and cakes/biscuits.
St Mary’s Church, Carlton.
Christmas Bazaar
Carlton Village Hall
Saturday 18th November, 11am – 3pm
Lunches from 12 noon
Entry £1 (includes coffee and biscuits)
In aid of St Mary’s new toilet and kitchenette
Birthday Greetings to:
Georgina Ardley on the 29th,
and to everyone with a birthday in November.
Geoffrey Noel Ardley
09.09.1921 – 27.09.2006
Ardley who died suddenly in Sharnbrook on September 27th aged 85, was
a well known figure locally. With his trademark leather hat and, in his later
years, his long white hair and stylish beard, he was quite unmistakeable. He
often could be seen making his way to his usual place in The Bell where he liked
to have his pint topped up with
another half, a generous ‘half’ – a ‘Sussex half’, he called it.
Geoff had the gift of friendship. He liked people and he liked being with young people. He moved into the modern world easily but still kept the courteous and gentlemanly style of an older and kinder age. He had friends of all ages and creeds and many of his young friends came to mourn the loss of a valued friend. Many of his old friends were too frail to attend, including a venerable aunt of 101.
He had an interesting life, enrolling as a very young man in the Army with his brother Ronald, whence he was shipped off to Afghanistan. It was here that he had his first taste of danger when a sniper’s bullet narrowly missed him and killed the man standing behind him. He went on to serve during the war in India and in Burma, working with guerrillas. His only comment on this was that "It was not nice". Then he was transferred to military intelligence in India and later in Germany where he became a Nazi hunter. After Germany he went to East Africa and finally returned to Germany where at the age of 42 he met and married his beloved Tricia. They came to live in Harrold in the Christmas of 1965 and their two boys Jonathan and Christian were born in the house in Meadway.
and Tricia entered into the life of the village and became regular attendees at
Odell Church where Geoff was treasurer for many years and later churchwarden.
Tricia’s early and sudden death was a hammer blow for the family and Geoff took a long time to recover his spirits. But he did – and with his usual courage he began to put his life together. He made new friends and developed new interests. He learned to cook; he learned about antiques and took easily to using a computer. When he moved to his garden flat in Sharnbrook he became the Company Secretary for the complex, which he ran with attention to detail in military style. He was modern in outlook and enjoyed the challenge of the digital age.
Geoff lived his life with style and with courage. I consider myself privileged to have been his friend. Jackie Stubbs.
Saints’ Flowers for November
5th Carol Ormond
12th Remembrance Sunday
19th Carol Ormond
26th Margaret Jones
<- The beautiful display of flowers (left) was arranged by Doreen Wheeler for the funeral of Geoff Ardley.
Sat 4th 10am Fairtrade Café in Village Hall.
Sun 5th 3pm Time To Remember Service in All Saints’, Odell.
Wed 8th 10.30am Meeting Point at Eileen’s, Corner House,
Wymington Park, Rushden.
Tues 14th 9.30am Christmas Sale, Village Farmhouse.
Tues 14th 7.30pm W.I. in Village Hall.
Sat 18th 9.45am All Saints Amblers meet at The Bell for walk.
Sat 18th 11am Christmas Bazaar, St Mary’s Church, Carlton.
Wed 22nd 10.30am Meeting Point at Sarah Bennett’s, 9 Horsefair
Lane, Odell.
Sat 25th 7.30pm Time of Our Lives Music Theatre, Village Hall.
Sun 26th 2pm Christmas Decoration making, HOCP.
Mon 27th 10am HOCP Conservation tasks.
Sat 2nd 7.30pm Quiz, Village Hall.
Wed 6th 10.30am Meeting Point Bring and Share lunch at Doris’s,
Goodly Heritage, The Bury, Pavenham.
Fri 8th 10.30am Christian Family Care Coffee & Hamper Morning.
Wed 13th 12.30pm Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch, Village Hall.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the joint December 2006/January 2007
magazine to Tricia Hudson ( or Catherine Corkery by November 12th 2006 at the latest. May we remind you that the
editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.
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